Source code for dataset.data_prep

"""Loading single-cell RNA-seq datasets with necessary pre-processing steps."""

import h5py
import loompy
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import torch
from pyro.distributions import ZeroInflatedNegativeBinomial as ZINB
from scipy.sparse import csc_matrix, csr_matrix, vstack
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from import Dataset, Sampler

[docs] class CORTEX(Dataset): """ Loads CORTEX dataset. A class with necessary pre-processing steps for the gold standard Zeisel data set which contains 3005 mouse cortex cells and gold-standard labels for seven distinct cell types. Each cell type corresponds to a cluster to recover. The pre-processing steps are: 1. exctracting the labels of the cell types from the data 2. choosing the genes that are transcribed in more than 25 cells 3. Selecting the 558 genes with the highest Variance in the remaining genes from the previous step 4. Performing random permutation of the genes Parameters ---------- file_dir : str The path to the .csv file. n_genes : int Number of the high variable genes that should be selected. n_cells: Total number of cells. data: torch Tensor The data. labels: torch Tensor The labels. Examples -------- >>> import data_prep >>> cortex = data_prep.CORTEX() >>> dl = DataLoader(cortex, batch_size= 128, shuffle=True) """ def __init__( self, file_dir="/home/longlab/Data/Thesis/Data/expression_mRNA_17-Aug-2014.txt", n_genes=558, ): self.file_dir = file_dir self.n_genes = n_genes df = pd.read_csv(self.file_dir, delimiter="\t", low_memory=False) # Groups of cells, i.e. labels Groups = df.iloc[7,] Groups = Groups.values[2:] _, labels = np.unique(Groups, return_inverse=True) df1 = df.iloc[10:].copy() df1.drop(["tissue", "Unnamed: 0"], inplace=True, axis=1) df1 = df1.astype(float) # choosing genes that are transcribed in more than 25 cells rows = np.count_nonzero(df1, axis=1) > 0 df1 = df1[np.ndarray.tolist(rows)] data = df1.values # sorting the data based on the variance rows = np.argsort(np.var(data, axis=1) * -1) data = data[rows, :] data = data[0 : self.n_genes, :] # choosing high variable genes # Permutation on features (they were sorted) np.random.seed(197) p = np.random.permutation(data.shape[0]) data = data[p, :] y = data.T self.n_cells = y.shape[0] = torch.from_numpy(y) self.labels = torch.tensor(labels) def __len__(self): return self.n_cells def __getitem__(self, index): return[index], self.labels[index]
[docs] class Brain_Large(Dataset): """ Loads BRAIN data set. A class with necessary pre-processing steps for the Large brain dataset. The variance of the genes for a sub-sample of 10^5 cells will be calculated and the high variable genes (720 by default) will be selected. The Large brain dataset can be downloaded from the following url: "" The data is in HDF5 format which can be easily accessed and processed with the `h5py` library. The data contains: barcodes: This contains information of the batch number which can be used for batch correction. `gene_names` contains the gene names. `genes` contains the Ensembl Gene id such as: 'ENSMUSG00000089699' `data` is an array containing all the non zero elements of the sparse matrix `indices` is an array mapping each element in `data` to its column in the sparse matrix. `indptr` maps the elements of data and indices to the rows of the sparse matrix. `shape` the dimension of the sparse matrix For more info please visit and "" Parameters ---------- file_dir: str The directory of the HDF5 file which should be provided by the user. n_sub_samples: int Number of samples (cells) in the downsampled matrix. Default: 10^5 n_select_genes: int Number of the high variable genes to be selected in the pre-processing step. Default: 750 low_memory: Boolean If `False`, the whole data will be loaded into memory (high amount of memory required); `True` by default. Attributes ---------- file_dir : str The directory of the HDF5 file n_select_genes : int Number of high variable genes to be selected in the pre-processing step. n_genes : int Total number of genes in the data set n_cells : int Total number of cells selected_genes : ndarray The indices of selected high variable genes. low_memory : boolean Whether perform data loading with memory efficiency or not. matrix : scipy csc_matrix If `low_memory` is False, it is the whole data otherwise `None`. Examples -------- >>> import data_prep >>> brain = data_prep.Brain_Large() >>> dl = DataLoader(brain, batch_size= batch_size, shuffle=True) """ def __init__( self, file_dir=( "/home/longlab/Data/Thesis/Data/", "1M_neurons_filtered_gene_bc_matrices_h5.h5", ), n_sub_samples=10**5, n_select_genes=720, low_memory=True, ): self.file_dir = file_dir self.n_select_genes = n_select_genes self.low_memory = low_memory with h5py.File(self.file_dir, "r") as f: data = f["mm10"] self.n_genes, self.n_cells = data["shape"] # sub-sampling for choosing high variable genes indptr_sub_samp = data["indptr"][:n_sub_samples] last_indx = indptr_sub_samp[-1] sub_sampled = csc_matrix( ( data["data"][:last_indx], data["indices"][:last_indx], indptr_sub_samp, ), shape=(self.n_genes, n_sub_samples - 1), ) scale = StandardScaler(with_mean=False) # choosing high variable genes self.selected_genes = np.argsort(scale.var_ * -1)[: self.n_select_genes] if not low_memory: del sub_sampled, scale, indptr_sub_samp print("Loading the whole dataset") n_iters = int(self.n_cells / 10**5) + (self.n_cells % 10**5 > 0) with h5py.File(self.file_dir, "r") as f: data = f["mm10"] index_partitioner = data["indptr"][...] # The following code is from the scvi package # ( for i in range(n_iters): print(f"Reading batch {i+1}") index_partitioner_batch = index_partitioner[ (i * 10**5) : ((1 + i) * 10**5 + 1) ] first_index_batch = index_partitioner_batch[0] last_index_batch = index_partitioner_batch[-1] index_partitioner_batch = ( index_partitioner_batch - first_index_batch ).astype(np.int32) n_cells_batch = len(index_partitioner_batch) - 1 data_batch = data["data"][ first_index_batch:last_index_batch ].astype(np.float32) indices_batch = data["indices"][ first_index_batch:last_index_batch ].astype(np.int32) matrix_batch = csr_matrix( (data_batch, indices_batch, index_partitioner_batch), shape=(n_cells_batch, self.n_genes), )[:, self.selected_genes] # stack on the fly to limit RAM usage if i == 0: matrix = matrix_batch else: matrix = vstack([matrix, matrix_batch]) self.matrix = matrix else: self.matrix = None def __len__(self): return self.n_cells def __getitem__(self, index): if self.low_memory: with h5py.File(self.file_dir, "r") as f: data = f["mm10"] # try to initalize the data in init and then use data in the getitem? indptr_sub_samp = data["indptr"][index : (index + 1) + 1] first_indx = indptr_sub_samp[0] last_indx = indptr_sub_samp[-1] indptr_sub_samp = (indptr_sub_samp - first_indx).astype(np.int32) matrix_batch = csc_matrix( ( data["data"][first_indx:last_indx], data["indices"][first_indx:last_indx], indptr_sub_samp, ), shape=(self.n_genes, 1), ) matrix_batch = matrix_batch.toarray().T[:, self.selected_genes] matrix_batch = torch.tensor(matrix_batch, dtype=torch.float32) return matrix_batch, index else: return torch.tensor(self.matrix[index].A, dtype=torch.float32), index
[docs] class Indice_Sampler(Sampler): """ This is a sampler for Pytorch ``DataLoader`` in which it will sample from the ``Dataset`` with indices of mask. Parameters ---------- mask: ``torch.tensor`` The indices of the samples. Example ---------- >>> from import DataLoader >>> brain = Brain_Large() >>> dataloader =, batch_size=64, shuffle=True) >>> a, b = next(iter(dataloader)) >>> trainloader_sampler1 =, batch_size=64, sampler = Brain_Large_Sampler(b), shuffle=False) >>> c, d = next(iter(trainloader_sampler1)) """ def __init__(self, mask): self.mask = mask def __iter__(self): return (i for i in self.mask) def __len__(self): return len(self.mask)
[docs] class RETINA(Dataset): """ Loads RETINA data set. A class with necessary pre-processing steps for the RETINA dataset. It seperates the raw count data, the cluster numbers, and batches. The data provided by Lopez et al. is used which can be downloaded from: The data is in loompy format ( The original dataset is available under the GEO accession number GSE81904. The webpage consists of the raw matrix, BAM files, Rdata files, and R code. To perform the pre-processing steps and analyses of the original paper, one can use the following github repository: Parameters ---------- file_dir: str The directory of the .loom file which should be provided by the user. Attributes ---------- file_dir : str The directory of the HDF5 file. n_genes : int Total number of genes in the data set. n_cells : int Total number of cells. batchID : ndarray One dimensional array of the Batch Ids of cells. cluster : ndarray One dimensional array of the assigned cluster numbers by the authors of the original paper. Notes ----- Since the data is not very large (approximately 2GB in memory), the class will load the whole data into memory. Examples -------- >>> import data_prep >>> retina = data_prep.RETINA() >>> dl = DataLoader(retina, batch_size= batch_size, shuffle=True) """ def __init__(self, file_dir="/home/longlab/Data/Thesis/Data/retina.loom"): self.file_dir = file_dir with loompy.connect(self.file_dir) as ds: = torch.from_numpy(ds[:, :].T).float() self.n_genes, self.n_cells = ds.shape self.batchID =["BatchID"].ravel() self.cluster =["ClusterID"].ravel() def __len__(self): return self.n_cells def __getitem__(self, index): matrix_batch =[index] return matrix_batch, index
[docs] class SyntheticData(Dataset): """ Generates a synthetic data set for test. The resulted data set is not a data set for research purposes. To do: Complete the documentation. """ def __init__(self, device, n_features=50, n_samples=100): self.n_genes = n_features self.n_samples = n_samples self.p = torch.rand(n_samples, n_features).to(device) self.log_theta = torch.FloatTensor(1, n_features).uniform_(0, 100).to(device) self.gate_logits = \ torch.FloatTensor(n_samples, n_features).uniform_(0, 50).to(device) self.dist = ZINB(self.log_theta, gate_logits=self.gate_logits, probs=self.p) = self.dist.sample().to(device) def __len__(self): return self.n_samples def __getitem__(self, index): return[index]